With laser hair removal, you can now have flawless skin that’s free of unwanted hair without going through the fuss of shaving or waxing every few days or weeks. More and more people are opting for laser hair removal treatments and laser hair clinics are becoming more popular. A few sessions can rid you of unwanted hair for over 6 months or even permanently.
If you have tried laser hair removal before and would like further treatments but if you find going back to the clinic costly, there are home options available. Perhaps you’d like to try laser treatment but you’re uncomfortable exposing the body parts that you want to be treated. In this case, home laser hair removal is a great option. There are many home options available and Intense Pulsed Light hair removal is one of them.
What is Intense Pulsed Light Hair Removal?
This procedure, also called IPL, virtually employs the same method as laser hair removal but is milder. Light hits the hair shaft and root and targets the pigment called melanin. As the hair absorbs light, it converts it to heat energy. The growth cycle of the hair is disrupted and stops growing.
What are the advantages of using IPL?
- It is faster and cheaper than laser hair removal.
- It only operates with the wavelengths that are optimum for the destruction of hair follicles but aren’t damaging to the skin. This way, you work at greater energies than laser hair removal but minus the risks of blisters, burns, and UV damage.
- The packets of light from the IPL wand are short in duration. Thus, you only feel minimal discomfort during the procedure.
What’s the best product for the job?
The Remington I-Light Pro is a popular options for those looking for a home IPL device. As the equipment targets melanin, it works best with black and dark brown hair and fair skin. After an initial patch test, perform the first 3 sessions every two weeks. Our body hairs have different growth patterns and since this technology works on growing hair, the regular sessions early on are important to target all hairs.
The side effects of any IPL hair removal home devices can include temporary burns and skin discoloration, but the risk of these can be avoided by following the instructions carefully and ensuring the treatment is suitable for your skin type before you begin.
my skin is very sensitive and i m 18 years old ….so can i try it????????????